Mina Patel

Mina Patel is Head of Research for British Council’s Future of English programme. Her background is in English language teaching and training. She has worked in the UK, Greece, Thailand, Sri Lanka and Malaysia as a teacher, trainer, materials developer and ELT projects manager and has extensive experience working with ministries of education in East Asia. Mina has presented at numerous national and international conferences on ELT-related matters. Her academic interests lie of language assessment literacy, teacher education and development and policy literacy. Mina recently co-authored, Future of English: Global Perspectives and is completing a PhD with the Centre for Research in English Language Learning and Assessment (CRELLA) at the University of Bedfordshire, UK.

Darío Luis Banegas

Darío Luis Banegas is Senior Lecturer in Language Education at Moray House School of Education and Sport, University of Edinburgh. He is also Director of Postgraduate Research and Course Organiser of Second Language Teaching Curriculum, a core module in their MSc TESOL programme. Dario worked as a teacher of English in primary and secondary schools as well as curriculum developer and teacher educator in Chubut, Argentina, for 19 years before moving to Scotland. He is an active member of teacher associations, and with FAAPI (Federación Argentina de Asociaciones de Profesores de Inglés) he founded the Argentinian Journal of Applied Linguistics. He is also the co-lead of the Language Curriculum SIG with the British Association of Applied Linguistics. He is a member of the British Council English Language Advisory Group. His main interests are language curriculum, teacher education, CLIL, action research, and social justice.

Rose Aylett

Rose Aylett is a freelance training consultant and CELTA tutor, based in Liverpool, UK. She has been working in ELT for 20 years, predominantly in Europe, the Middle East and North Africa, and has a long-standing professional interest in critical pedagogy, global citizenship and social justice education. Her MA thesis explored critical literacy within teacher education, and informed NILE’s ‘Global Citizenship in Language Education’ course, for which she is the course leader. Rose speaks regularly at national and international conferences about how to teach controversial issues, promoting critical dialogue in the classroom, and the integration of critical perspectives into ELT.